Blind Spots (USA) Feature | Screenplay Writer: Kevin Eis
Blind Spots (USA)
Writer: Kevin Eis
BLIND SPOTS is a heartwarming tale about the relationship between a wide-eyed puppy, Pancake, and a stoic seeing-eye dog, Radar. Pancake spends her time at her owner’s auto shop where she’s loved and spoiled by every patron. However after an unexpected accident leaves her father blind, she’s forced to share her space (and dad!) with a dog that couldn’t be more different.
Grow Home (Australia) Feature | Screenplay Writer: Jasmine Yuen-Carrucan |
Grow Home (Australia) Writer: Jasmine Yuen-Carrucan
After stumbling on a magical finding in the Tasmanian forest behind her house, a young girl teams with her timid brother and an old forest dweller to protect the woodlands and reunite her separated parents.
Hear, Boy! (USA) Feature | Screenplay Writer: Noah Edelson |
Hear, Boy! (USA)
Writer: Noah Edelson
A misfit girl is unwillingly adopted by a pack of dogs that believe she's their “Guardian”: The One that can lead them to their mythical haven. If she can crack their code, stay one step ahead of the dogcatcher, and climb a mountain, she just might save their lives.
Here Be Dragons! (USA) Writer: Steve Brumwell, Lee J Lawson
After discovering a mysterious old hermit in an abandoned coal mine, four friends searching for their missing classmate team up with him to fight off the machinations of a local businessman using dark magic to further his sinister ambitions.
Panda Bibi and Fan Xiaoqiang (China) Short | Screenplay Writer: Mi Yang |
The Song of Cloud (China) Writer: Zhifeng Chen Jie Yang Jiao Du
Yun Duo in Zizhou, Northern Shaanxi, have not been getting along well with her mother-in-law Yu Guizhi since she got married to her husband Mu Linsheng. The simple stage suddenly collapsed at the donkey racing meeting caused her father-in-law died, her mother-in-law hates her because of this, then forcing two people to divorce. Yun Duo’s daughter Qiaoer is frightened suffer from autism When they wrangling. After divorce, Yun Duo with ill Qiaoer began a healing and self-healing road.
The Adventures of Willow and Oliver (USA) Feature | Screenplay Writer: Rain Story |
The Adventures of Willow and Oliver (USA) Writer: Rain Story
Willow and Oliver are the rabbit and turtle couple that overcomes a hunter, a devious woodpecker, a treacherous trip down a mountain, nearly drowning in a river, and their own bickering to rally forest animals together and repair a handicapped farmer’s leaking crop runoff, saving the land and their home.
The Handstand Heard Round the World (USA) Writer: Leland Thomas Faegre
The True Story of an aspiring 11 year-old gymnast with dreams of an Olympic berth risks her future attendance at school and her athletic career as she is inexplicably banned from performing simple cartwheels and handstands on her Charter School campus. Elementary School 6th Grader, Deirdre Faegre, is singled-out by campus aides performing basic gymnastic skills soon after the school year begins, provoking a parental response that follows an inquiry as to the source of the restriction; a Mean Ole Principal.
The Listening (USA) Feature | Screenplay Writer: Jax Malcolm |
The Listening (USA)
Writer: Jax Malcolm
An ancient Egyptian demon terrorizes a high school